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Indian Music
Listing of Indian music I have purchased since coming to India 8 months ago.

Sports | Olympics
Why doesn't India shine at Olympics?
Its Olympic tally in individual sports is a paltry three medals. Why? Leading Indian sports writer, Rohit Brijnath grapples with the conundrum.

Dangerous Drivers from an Indian perspective

Driving in Bangalore (and India)! on Aravind Swami's blog
"....But things are so bad and such a pain, there is no room for humor or amusement here. These conditions are just too damn dangerous and inconvenient! It's distressing to think that, little or nothing is being done to improve these conditions..."

From India's weekly magazine: Driving India crazy
Heavy traffic, poor infrastructure and absence of a road culture bring out the worst in drivers.

Dangerous Drivers from an non-Indian perspective

As prosperity clogs roads, India's drivers yield to no one

Hard Facts

WHO: World report on road traffic injury prevention
India's accident rate will continue to climb until 2044! Pedestrian deaths in Bangalore exceed Chicago and NYC.

Choike - Road traffic accidents a major public health crisis
Despite the large social and economic costs of road traffic accidents, there has been a relatively small amount of investment in road safety research and development.

Water quality must become a very serious concern for our public agencies
Less than half of urban India has access to a sewage disposal system. Most of the existing collection systems discharge directly to the receiving water without treatment. Garbage, domestic or otherwise, is directly dumped into water bodies or roadside, which often later be washed into streams and lakes. Little surprise then that a recent study by the Society for Clean Environment (SoCleen) showed that a significant percentage of water in many parts of Mumbai city was unpotable.

General News

Will India price itself out of offshore market CNET
India Together Piped dreams - November 2003
Gender jolts in a City bus
Friedman India needs a reform revolution to go with its economic one NYTIMES columnist. Link goes to SLC paper as the NYT charges money for the same piece.

Youth ‘washed’ away in drain - Deccan Herald | This incident happened about 2 miles from our house.

Beware of falling trees - The Times of India
The Times of India - Safety is foreign to Dilli darshan

11 people killed in accidents across State - Deccan Herald

In India, Rudeness is taken with a Cup of Tea - The Equinox - Features

A Rude Indian Deconstructs Wasilew's Line-Barging Index - Chicago Business - GSB Life

PUB HUB - Roving Eye - FE Business Traveller

Politics > India

Below are links to articles from Indian media and Indians writers. Read what they are saying about their country.

"There is no doubt that the Indian economy has done very well of late, but the primary beneficiaries have been the rich and the urban middle class. The less privileged outnumber the middle classes by a big margin," says Professor Varshney in a BBC article.

Financial Express: We Are The World’s Loudest Country, by Subhash Agrawal
Agrawal chronicles about noise pollution's medical and social consequences and its impact to the country's financial resources.

How India's elections were won and lost - by Soutik Biswas BBC News Online correspondent in Delhi
The debacle suffered by India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led 22-party alliance proves the country's voters cannot be taken for granted.

Sacrifice of a Student Leader Intensifies Agitation
Pebam Chittaranjan turned a new chapter in the history of the Manipuri people’s struggle for right to life when he lit himself as a human torch denouncing the black laws on August 15 at Bishnupur. He succumbed to burn injuries at the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital at Imphal on August 16.

A Comment on India's Elections by N. Talwar
"A representative and democratic solution can emerge through overhaul of the political process which is precluded today because the system is considered inviolate. One can only point to broad outlines of a plan to overhaul the electoral system where proportional representation, run-off elections, non-partisan candidate selection, campaign funding reform and other mechanisms must be considered."

The BJP's Agenda May Be Down, but Don't Count the Party Out - By Akash Kapur
. Life in much of the country is poor and miserable, and miserable voters tend to lash out at whoever happens to be in power. Much of the Indian intelligentsia and many liberals I know have been walking around with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

Emergent Challenges Before The New Government
All sections that believed in non-communal democratic means of governance have warmly welcomed the overthrow of the BJP government. The majority of this section believes in a secular democracy.

Child Labor in India, 1991 Census. makes the statement that "children shouldn't work."

India Together For the children, by the children - NMWC report on child labour - November 2003
For the children, by the children A committee of working children themselves submits a report on their conditions to the United Nations. Kavita Ratna reports.

The Hindu `Male-female ratio in the country alarming'
Ms. Swaraj, the Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Sushma Swaraj said the desire for a son is the biggest impediment in the stabilisation of population.

Shanti Bhavan school - trying to break the cycle
This foundation has an agenda to facility to house and educate at a time 336 children of deprived backgrounds from pre-school to grade 12.

Surya Bridge School in Karnataka - Also trying to break the cycle - October 2003
Before enrolling, the children at Surya Bridge School were engaged in cattle herding, cross-pollinating flowers in cotton fields and sometimes in domestic chores.

Map & Graph Crime Murders
India leads the world in murders and its per captia ratio is just slightly less than the US. Per capita, the US is at .0.004 per 1000 people and India is 0.03 per 1000 people

Dangerous Drivers from an Indian perspective

Driving in Bangalore (and India)! on Aravind Swami's blog
"....But things are so bad and such a pain, there is no room for humor or amusement here. These conditions are just too damn dangerous and inconvenient! It's distressing to think that, little or nothing is being done to improve these conditions..."

From India's weekly magazine: Driving India crazy
Heavy traffic, poor infrastructure and absence of a road culture bring out the worst in drivers.

Dangerous Drivers from an non-Indian perspective

As prosperity clogs roads, India's drivers yield to no one

Hard Facts

WHO: World report on road traffic injury prevention
India's accident rate will continue to climb until 2044! Pedestrian deaths in Bangalore exceed Chicago and NYC.

Choike - Road traffic accidents a major public health crisis
Despite the large social and economic costs of road traffic accidents, there has been a relatively small amount of investment in road safety research and development.

Water quality must become a very serious concern for our public agencies
Less than half of urban India has access to a sewage disposal system. Most of the existing collection systems discharge directly to the receiving water without treatment. Garbage, domestic or otherwise, is directly dumped into water bodies or roadside, which often later be washed into streams and lakes. Little surprise then that a recent study by the Society for Clean Environment (SoCleen) showed that a significant percentage of water in many parts of Mumbai city was unpotable.

General News

Will India price itself out of offshore market CNET
India Together Piped dreams - November 2003
Gender jolts in a City bus
Youth ‘washed’ away in drain - Deccan Herald | This incident happened about 2 miles from our house.
Beware of falling trees - The Times of India
The Times of India - Safety is foreign to Dilli darshan